Euston Square

Medieval Romance

A Good Tale of Ipomadon

12th century, Anglo-Norman French, Hue de Rotelande | 15th century Middle English verse translation at Chetham's Library Manchester.

'That is my name,' replied Ipomadon, playfully. 'Curious young man.' The lady laughed. 'It is good enough,' she said.

The lady satt and hym behylde and lykyd full wele the tale he tolde. The lady sat and looked at him, and liked what she heard. Into her heart arose the thought that she would, indeed, like this young man in her service.

'You are welcome, my friend,' she said. 'Whoever brought you to me, I thank them. And since you wish to serve me, tell me your name, curious young man?'

'That is my name,' replied Ipomadon, playfully. 'Curious young man.'

The lady laughed. 'It is good enough,' she said. 'I welcome you, Curious, to my court.' ...

But soon, a would-be-lover's tiff ends this growing relationship.

'What news, Jason?' she asked.

'The ‘Curious young man’, whom you so often complement, my lady, is gone.'

Never before had she heard such unwelcome news. ...

'Damsel!' exclaimed Elaine. 'For God’s love! What is wrong? Tell me, my lady! Why do you weep so? Can I do anything to help?'

'Alas, Elaine, that I was born! It is love – love that does not raise me to the heights but threatens to lower me into the earth!'

'My dear lady – whom do you love?'

'In faith, I cannot tell you! Though my life depended upon it I could not tell you! Neither his name nor where he comes from!'

Story fragment recounted from: Purdie, Rhiannon, 2001. Ipomadon. Published for the Early English Text Society by Oxford University Press. Text from MS Chetham 8009 (Manchester) in Middle English. Translation, summary and extracts from lines 415–1435.

See for yourself

Anglo-Norman literature – Wikipedia

Ipomadon – Wikipedia

Complete text of the 15th century Middle English verse retelling of Hue de Rotelande's 12th century romance Ipomadon, edited by Rhiannon Purdie, 2001, with an introduction, available through the Early English Text Society (EETS)

…or direct from Oxford University Press

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