Medieval Romance


14th century, Middle English: Trinity College, Cambridge.

The king of India remained in Thrace, his true identity unknown to anybody, and in due course he was elevated to an earldom and made the king's steward.

They rode towards this land, which was known to be very wealthy, and as soon as they arrived, he went to see the King of Thrace and very humbly asked if he and his two squires could enter his service in any capacity that the king might think appropriate. The king seemed very pleased and offered to give him such employment as could only serve to increase the honour and esteem in which he was held.

Thus in that contre abideth still alway. the kyng of ynd, unknowen in every wise... The King of India remained in that country, his true identity unknown to anybody. He waited upon the king, the king cherished him and found his service pleasing in every way. All that he did was done with great intelligence, and his bearing was so admirable that everybody praised him. Soon he stood so well in the king’s favour that the king made him his steward and gave to him full control over all his lands. He made him an earl, as befitted the responsibilities of his new status, and gave him lands that he had newly acquired.

Story fragment recounted from: W Aldis Wright (Ed), 1878. Generydes, a Romance in Seven-line Stanzas, edited from a unique paper MS in Trinity College, Cambridge, for the Early English Text Society.


Bakerloo Line

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Generides – Wikipedia

Chivalric romance – Wikipedia

Complete text of a 15th century Middle English manuscript copy of the probably 14th century Generydes, edited by W Aldis Wright, 1878, available through the Early English Text Society (EETS)

…or direct from Oxford University Press