ff. 81–88r Floris and Blancheflour are two young lovers who, although from different backgrounds, have been inseparable companions in the royal court of Floris's father, the King of Spain. When, upon returning from a period spent away from court, Floris is presented with Blancheflour's tomb, he opens it, finds it to be empty, is told what has really happened to her and travels to where Blancheflour is now living. Before setting out on this journey, Floris's mother gives him a ring which will protect him from death. He finds Blancheflour in an idyllic setting, surrounded by a garden of magic fruit trees, like a Garden of Eden. However, he is, in fact, near the palace of the Emir of Babylon, in the real world, and Blancheflour, in her new life as one of the Emir's maidens, is in desperate need of being rescued.
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