Scandinavian Mythology

Iceland: The Poetic Edda

13th century, Old Norse, Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, Reykjavik.

'You'll exchange appearances…'

'All of you will swear oaths, Gunnar and Hogni, and you, prince, the third, for you'll exchange appearances on the road, Gunnar and you…

'Why should we exchange appearances and behaviour when we're on the road? …

'Gunnar's complexion you'll have and his bearing, your own eloquence and powerful intellect; you'll betroth to yourself the high-minded woman… Together will both weddings be celebrated… for you'll change back your shapes when you come home, each of you will have his own spirit back.

Quotation from: Larrington, Carolyne, 1996. The Poetic Edda: a new translation by Carolyne Larrington. Oxford University Press. Gripir's Prophecy, extracts from verses 37–43, p 148 in the non-illustrated edition.

See for yourself

Poetic Edda (Elder Edda) – Wikipedia

Elder Edda and Younger Edda – Project Gutenberg; free out-of-copyright editions, ebooks

The Eddas – translated into English :

Gripir's Prophecy – translated by Benjamin Thorpe, transcribed by Ari Odhinnsen, with thanks to William Reaves :

Concealed identity

Elizabeth Line

artwork, pastel drawing, fragment

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