Medieval Arthurian Legend
Sir Thomas Malory: Le Morte d'Arthur
15th century, late-Medieval English.
Sir Dinadan would not engage Sir Lamorak in combat, but he told King Mark that Sir Lamorak was Sir Kay the Seneschal.
A shield denotes identity: So ryght as they stood thus talkynge togydyre they saw com rydynge by them over a playne six knyghtes of the courte of kynge Arthure well armed at all poyntys ; and by their shyldys sir Dynadan knew them well.
‘A Jesu!' seyde kynge Marke, 'myght ye knowe sir Launcelot by his shylde?' 'Ye,' seyde sir Dynadan, 'for he beryth a shylde of sylver and blacke bendis (diagonal bands).’
But this is Sir Mordred’s shield. And soon it is given to Sir Dagonet, King Arthur’s fool, to use against King Mark, who thinking that he faces Sir Lancelot, backs away from the idiot knight in terror.
And than kynge Marke arose, and gate his horse agayne, and folowed aftir sir Lameroke. But sir Dynadan wolde nat juste with sir Lameroke, but he tolde kynge Marke that sir Lameroke was sir Kay the Senescyall .